Global Business Opportunities...

Business operated, Performance Delivered


We are global portal aimed at promoting business worldwide. To enhance the user's experience and maintain sanity across the portal, we lay down our terms. It is a human effort to lay down all that is considered wise to be followed by "You" during the usage of the portal. Considering the broad range of services we provide, it is not possible to enlist a different term regarding all of them. Thus we are listing the terms general to operation of our portal, the terms not covered herewith are a matter of prudency and understanding between "Us" and "You".

a) User's Charachterization

User(s) can be identified as an individual or organization. Also, a user could be any supplier looking for a buyer or vice versa. It should also be noted here that all user's shall be bound by relative laws of Singapore and also the common laws of the Web as prevalent. Using the services of the website involuntarily is an acceptance of a legally binding contract with "US". Since the information listed on the website is very critical in nature, the terms prevail for visitors of the website too with an intention that such visitors shall not use/misuse the information on the website for any harm to any entity or individual intentionally or unintentionally. Any user(s) who are deemed suspicious by any means like tracking the IP or during verification of their account shall be put on hold. Also, the user of the website is expected to be 18 years or above.

b) User's Data

The nature of the data is mostly expected to be business related. In some cases personal information like your email id, phone numbers and sometimes the address will be collected which would be for the sole purpose of verification. However, it is on the discretion of the user whether to provide the information or not. We have provided our user's the service of self-promotion across social media (ex- Facebook, Twitter). The data populated by the user's on these social media sites are completely user's decision, any consequences or in the event of loss due to the policies of that "Social Media Site" is not a responsibility of the website. Also, here we would like to advise our user's to research and conclude at the right decisions to avoid such situations. The data made available to the user or the domain of user's vary slightly between a free/verified user and paid members. These differences are related to the display of products on our website and the usage of our unique and vast range of templates and also our RFQ (request for quote) feature.

c) User's Agreement

As mentioned in schedule(a) the usage of the website and its services in itself is your agreement to "Our" terms. The agreement is applicable to all the services of the website and also any new service/s of the website. In case of a new service the terms binding the new services shall also be applicable apart from the terms that are already existing in this document. The terms can be amended any time without any prior notice, your continuation of usage of the website shall mean that you agree to the amended terms.

d) User Transactions and Communication

Any buying/selling through any of the mediums credit/debit card, internet banking, phone banking, online marketing or through any other medium is a responsibility of the user. We do not bear any responsibility of any loss arising out of such transactions. The user is free to interact with other user's. However, please note that such interaction is expected to be business related, in an unfortunate matter of dispute arising out of any user's attempt to promote angst, the matter could be brought to us. You can bring such user's to our notice at We wish and strive to keep the environment of healthy for business, we request all our user's to help us attain the same.

e) Intellectual Property Rights

Intellectual Property Rights is a legal concept which involves the creations of minds of an Individual or an Organization. We respect the intellectual rights of all others in the community. Thus we have created our portal and its design, text, graphics, logos, banners with sheer hard work and applying thought in each. We would not like anyone to infringe our intellectual rights. Usage of any media hardware or software to copy or mutilate (change the appearance of) our intellectual property would be considered an offense. We would also not like to bring to the community's notice the fact that Pepagora has launched some very unique features like "best strategies" which would help members use our portal effectively & efficiently. These features have come across by rigorous research and come under the definition of "unique best strategies". We would not like anyone to use our strategies either in our community or outside it.

The usage of our intellectual property will hold the infringer legally liable. Also, we are open to suggestions and feedbacks for the website. "Our" website is a global portal and is expected to have vast information. It is not possible to monitor all the data that we have. So in any case you feel that any listing or lead or content is infringing you can bring it to our notice. We also expect the user's not to infringe the intellectual rights of other users.

f) Termination

We hope that our user's experience of the website is pleasant. Majority of our services are available free of cost. Some of the features are also available at nominal monthly charges. reserves the right to terminate to stop any user (free/verified/paid) from using the services without any notice. Here are a few conditions of termination:

  • If any account is held suspicious by means of tracking the IP or during verification, the account will be put on hold. Post process the hold will either be raised or he/she will be terminated.
  • We do not expect any third party primarily referring to a marketing agency or firm to use our data or our portal as a platform for their own promotion. The user whose data is used without his/her knowledge shall in no way responsible for the loss arising out of business differences between the user(s) and the agency appointed by them. Also the violation of our terms by such agencies will hold the user(s) liable and might invite termination.
  • Any user who misuses our "Rating System" shall be terminated. The misuse could be in the form of paid reviews, degrading remarks about other's business, posting content to boost content that might expose strategies of other's business.
  • If we conclude that the user(s) have provided any false information related to the member account to, or are engaged in scams or frauds, or breach of trust.
  • The user(s) breaches any of the terms and conditions of use agreement and/or Agreement of web site.
  • Unlikely, we suspect someone messages or people repeatedly publish the same product information.
  • Post any material or items that is not related to international trade or business cooperation.
  • Submit items to wrong categories or product areas or if you post information or conduct businesses of any form.
  • Post information, abuse, use, modification, or change the web site data, system, network or related services.
  • Share with other user's your id's or credentials by emails or by any means.

Once terminated the user can approach with a proper justification if they wish to re-identified as user's. It is our right to restart the services of that user or otherwise.

g) Liability claims

We make extreme effort at providing our user(s) an uninterrupted and hassle free service. Conditions or circumstances are such sometimes that we may not be responsible for any failure or disruption of the content or services delivered through the web site resulting from acts of nature, forces or causes beyond our reasonable control. These include, without limitation, Internet failures, computer, telecommunication or any other equipment failures, electrical power failures, strikes, labor disputes, riots, insurrections, civil disturbances, shortages of labor or materials, fires, flood, storms, explosions, acts of God, war, governmental actions, orders of domestic or foreign courts or tribunals, and non performance of third parties.

Users(s) hereby further agree to indemnify and save web site, its affiliates, directors, officers and employees harmless, from any and all losses, claims, liabilities (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) which may arise from your use of the web site (including but not limited to the display of your information on the web site) or from your breach of any of the terms and conditions of this Agreement. User(s) hereby further agree to indemnify and save the web site, its affiliates, directors, officers and employees harmless, from any and all losses, claims, liabilities (including legal costs on a full indemnity basis) which may arise from your breach of any representations and warranties made by you to web site.

The loss referred above could arise from:

  • Inability to use the website.
  • Failed transaction mishaps.
  • Transaction of the wrong product and so on and so forth.

Loss can also be defined as any such situation in which the user bears any harm to their business. While we would really feel sorry in such cases at the same time we want the user(s) to understand that such events are beyond prevention by human forces.

h) Dispute Resolution and Notices

All notices or demands to or upon web site shall be effective if in writing and shall be duly made when sent to Pepagora Internet

All notices or demands to or upon a User(s) shall be effective if either delivered personally, sent by courier, certified mail, by facsimile or email to the last-known correspondence, fax or email address provided by the User(s) to web site, or by posting such notice or demand on an area of the web site that is publicly accessible without a charge.

Notice to a User(s) shall be deemed to be received by such User(s) if and when web site is able to demonstrate that communication, whether in physical or electronic form, has been sent to such User(s), or immediately upon web site’s posting such notice on an area of the web site that is publicly accessible without charge.

Terms and condition of use agreement and/or Agreement, Privacy Policy shall be governed in all respect by the laws of Singapore Territory.