Flow Sensors

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Chemical Flow Sensor
Special liquid are reliable meters to be used to measure the amount of liquid supplied through a pipeline.
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Bull Super Blades
Our highly economical range of Rotary Tiller Blades are considered perfect for the toughest soil conditions.
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Bull India Blades
Our highly economical range of Rotary Tiller Blades are considered perfect for the toughest soil conditions.
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Chlorine Sensors
We are a leading manufacturer of highly effective chlorine sensors that offers accurate results to the clients.
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Level Sensors
We offer high quality water level sensors that are widely used in water supply automation projects.
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We are the leading suppliers of a broad range of sensors which can be used inside the equipment or equipment-to-equipment variants and in the sealed or unsealed varian...
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Paddle Wheel
Vats Flow Meters are based on paddle wheel insertion type sensor. This technology is adopted by many manufacturers worldwide. These flow sensors Law of electromagnetic...
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Oval Gear  Positive Dispacement  Sensors
The volumetric flow-meter with oval gears allow to perform precise and highly repeatable measurements, even with very viscous liquids. The ease of use and compactness ...
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FT - 10
Floredo FT-10 is another convenient combo unit, to bridge the gaps between industry expectations & available solutions. Due to the Global aware- ness of energy consump...
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