World Time Clocks incorporate one Master Clock showing IST (Indian Standard Time) in six digits HH:MM:SS format and upto 8 Slave Clocks to display zonal time in 4 digit format HH:MM or six digit format HH:MM:SS. The users programmable, World Time Clocks have bright RED, GREEN, BLUE or AMBER LED?s in 7-segment display mode. The World Time Clocks are supplied pre-configured for easy installation and require only mechanical fixing and connection with 230V-50Hz mains supply using cable provided. Battery back up with auto charging and changeover provided for smooth functioning for years without any interruption.
BCPL has made its mark as an innovator. Basically an R&D oriented company, in business since 1985, we have spent the last two decades in the Design, Development and Manufacturing of Microprocessor/ Microcontroller based Standard Time maintenance and display Clocks and allied products.
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