Our wide assortment of welding - cutting products includes Cable ( Copper / Aluminium ) in TRS / HOFR compound for Welding and Earthing ; Electrode Holder ( Fully Insulated / Semi Insulated / Fully Cu Body / Mini / Earth Clamp etc. ), Anti Spatter Silicon Spray, Regulators, Cutters, Cutting Nozzel, Blow Pipe, Cylinder Trolley, Welding Helmet, Head Shield, Hand Shield, Apron, Hand Shield, Leg Guard, Argon - MIG Welding Torch and consumables, Heater, Flow Meter, Chipping Hammer, Electrode Oven ( Mother / Portable ) Welding - Cutting Hose and other miscellaneous accessories ,consumables and equipment. We represent some of the finest welding consumables and equipment brands.
Established in the year 1990, at New Delhi, India, we “Industrial Engineering Services,” are a renowned supplier of Industrial & Construction Project Equipment, Machines, Accessories Tools and Personal & Site Safety Products.
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