Mostly suspects in the field of wages and frauds can’t catch by the corporation because of their superior quality of committing crime. We can use the term ‘white-collar crime’ to define it. It committed by a person of respectability and high social status in the course of his occupation. The role of class has been highly contested, as the status of an offender may matter less than the harm done by someone in a trusted occupational position.
Greves Group main aim is to point out some of the in-depth facts about the frauds which are:
To consider how criminal victimization and harm have been conceptualized within white-collar and corporate crime.
To explore research exposing the harms caused by major forms of white-collar and corporate crime.
To consider issues of criminal justice policy in relation to these forms of victimization.
To illustrate how victimization can be related to wider structural variables.
To outline areas for further investigation and policy development.
GREVES GROUP, a Professional Private Investigation and Risk Protection Group providing comprehensive investigative and intelligence services to their International clients like legal sector, Insurance sectors, Corporate sector, Fraud Examiners.
More details:View company website
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