Vermicompost is a 100% organic fertilizer (bio-fertilizer) produced by Vermi technology. Vermi technology is a method of conversion of all biodegradable waste such as cow manure, mud press (sugarcane crushing), agricultural waste, kitchen waste, market waste, waste stock etc. Useful product by the action of earthworms. The output is called the Vermicompost which is free from toxic chemicals and biological pollutants. Earthworms form a major component of the soil system and organisms have effectively plowed the land for millions of years and help recycle organic nutrients for efficient plant growth. Although many species of earthworms are suitable for waste treatment, two species, namely EISENAS FETIDA and EUDRILUS EUGENIAE, have mainly considered vermicomposting.We produce Vermicompost fertilizer using the earthworm Eudrilus Eugeniae is a species of earthworm originating from tropical West Africa and now common in warm areas, both wild and vermiculture, also known as African night crawler. We use 100% pure cow manure as a raw material.
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