Salient Features of Uralen Syrup :-
* A complete treatment of Crystalluria
* Dissolves urinary crystals
* Arrest re-formulation of urinary calculi/crystals of all type
* Check yellow urine with irritation
* Effective in renal colic and diseases related G.U. Tract
* Dissolves and expels calculi and gravel formation
* Disintegrates calculi and gravel formation
* Corrects crystalloids colloid balance
* Disintegrates the calculi into smaller particles
* Acts as urinary antiseptic
* Often averts surgical intervention
* Facilitates the gravel to pass out with the flow of urine
Rumallen oil, gauriton syrup, menstrual disorder syrup, belart syrup, memory booster syrup, belcof cough syrup, cough syrup, bcf ointment.
More details:View company website