The reason of tooth loss in children occurs as their nursing bottles contain cavities due to high consumption of sweets in everyday life of a child coupled with softer milk teeth. In addition to that, less attention is paid by the parents to non-painful problems assuming that it is going to fall in any case which increases orthodontic problems in children. So, prevention at the right time is the best treatment. Cavities should be treated on time, which can further save children from trouble and parent’s money is also secured. A root canal treatment is suggested then followed by a crown to act as a natural space maintainer if the cavity is too deep to be filled. In some cases, if a tooth has been taken out, space maintainers (a mechanical active or passive device) are used to save a space for the permanent tooth to develop.
Offering medical services for various dental treatments that includes child dental treatments, dental orthodontia treatments, root canal treatments, dental crowns treatments, dental implants solutions etc.
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