Our static testing services offer timely results at an affordable price. Tensile BarsAs one of the most basic tests in materials science, a tensile test (or tension test) is also one of the most important tests in the field. Our lab offers tensile testing services from 0 to 600 kN loads to assist your team in identifying the right material for an application, ensure quality control, or predict material performance under other types of forces. Test specimens are subjected to uniaxial tension until failure on our calibrated Computerised Universal Testing machine. From specimen machining, and specialized fixture design and fabrication, to the actual testing and reporting, our skilled technicians have the knowledge and experience to handle your tensile testing project from start to finish. Our facility is equipped with all the necessary equipment to carry out your tensile test, We carry out tests to many different tensile testing specifications, including not limited to: ASTM E8, Tension Tests of Metallic Materials ; ASTM A 370, Standard Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing of Steel Products, Sections 5-13 Tension; ASTM F 606 / F 606 M, Standard Test Methods for Determining the Mechanical Properties of Externally and Internally Threaded Fasteners, Washers, Direct Tension Indicators, and Rivets; ISO 6892 / IS 1608 Metallic Materials--Ternsile Testing at Ambient Temperature </ul Standard Tensile Test Reports Include: Ultimate Tensile Strength; Ultimate Yield Strength; % Elongation; 0.2% & 0.4% proof Stress; % RA (reduction in area)
Material Testing services for Ferrous and non-ferrous metals and alloys. Types of tests --- Tensile / Compressive / Bend Tests Charpy/ Izod Impact Tests Vickers/ Brinell / Rockwell hardness
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