JNF 060 monitors the difference in voltage, frequency, and phase angle of both buses. If the "dead bus" function is inhibited and the differences in voltage, frequency and phase angle are within the preset limits, then the N / O contacts of the relay operate to indicate the bus synchronization otherwise the relay will not work. not. The function "dead bus" is active and if the state of one bus (bus-1) is programmed as "dead bus" and the other (bus-2) is considered normal, then the relay operates if the voltage on bus -2 is greater than 80% of the nominal voltage and the voltage on bus 1 is less than a programmable value (30% -80% of nominal voltage). The output relay can operate in either continuous mode or pulse mode. In continuous mode, the relay N / O contacts operate after a programmable delay and remain in this state until the synchronization check fails or the power-on reset occurs. In pulse mode, the N / O contacts of the relay operate for a short time and release after a fixed delay of 150 ms.
Programmable bus voltages
Programmable bus frequencies
Programmable phase angle difference between two buses
Active / Inhibit Dead Bus Functionality
History of the last 5 details of closing the relay
Self-monitoring facility
JNF 060 is used in power systems to prevent the interconnection of improperly synchronized power supplies. The synchronization control relay is used in series with a circuit breaker closing circuit and automates the synchronization operation of two buses.
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