Su-Jok Therapy is not only limited to pain. It can be used in health problems like Arthritis, Spondylitis, Blood Pressure, Lumbago, Backache, Knee and other joint pains, Frozen Shoulder, Sciatica, Migraine, Diabetes, Ear Pain, Eye problems, Deafness (partial), Allergy, Anemia, Constipation, Sinus, Stomach problems, Cough & Cold, Depression, Fatigue, Hernia, Slip Disc, Urine Bladder & Kidney Stone, Tonsillitis, Polyps, Heel pain, Pimples and other.
We are trader and supplier of Energy Products like Biomagnetic Bracelet and Fusion Energy Wand Pens. These products are designed to offer effective cures for various ailments. We also provide Services like Acupuncture and Acupressure.
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