The drive is by means of a rack and pinion manually through a gearing arrangement. The penetration resistance i.e. the pressure, is indicated on hydraulic gauges through a hydraulic measuring head. Two pressure gauges of 15 cm dial and capacities 0-160kg/cm.sq and 0-60kg/cm.sq are provided. An automatic cut-off valve, to protect the low capacity gauge from being over loaded is provided. The valve can be adjusted and locked at desired values between 20 to 60 kg/cm.sq. A provision is made to anchor the unit at site (with the help of four anchors) and also a provision to control the lateral movement of the unit enabling subsequent tests. The apparatus consists of:
Penetration Cone, steel, 60 deg angle, 10 cm.sq base area with friction jacket 1No.
Mantle Tube, non-uniform, 36mm OD
at the two ends and reduced dia in between
with sounding rod, working length 1m. 15 Nos.
Load Measuring Head, with automatic cut off valve, oil can without pressure gauge 1 No.
Pressure gauges, 0-60,0-160 kg/cm.sq 1 Each
Auger with bolt 4 Nos.
Auger driving handle 4 Nos
T-Rod 1 No.
Spanner 1 No.
Optional Extra
Mantle Tube, 36mm uniform OD with sounding rod 1 m long.
Established in the year 1987, Mechnotech India, has carved a name for itself as a manufacturer and exporter of civil engineering instruments.
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