Balaji Single Point Diamond Dressers are made of selected diamonds, mounted in a matrix. Only one cutting edge is presented to the grinding wheel. Diamonds for Single Point Dressing Tools are selected for their structural strength, number of points, degrees of sharpness, and lack of determental flaws. The proper selection of size and quality appropriate for a given application required qualified judgement.
We offer four grade of diamonds for Single Point Dressers.
Balaji Diamond Dressing tools are used for dressing and truing all sizes of grinding wheels that are made of Silicon Carbide or Aluminum Oxide.
The Grinding Wheels are dressed and trued with the view to achieve the following objectives:
Since Grinding techniques and equipment have so advanced during the past few decades tolerances of ± 0.001 are quite normal. In maintaining tolerances of this order Diamond dressing tools have become virtually indispensable.
BALAJI DIAMOND TOOLS is one of the leading manufacturers of quality Industrial Diamond Tools in India, since 1986. The manufacturing plant is located at Coimbatore.
More details:View company website
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