Fixoplus is a highly efficient machine and gives even heat distribution with a very good hot air recirculation, using minimum power and fuel. FixoPlus Rotomoulding Machine is versatile for producing any kind of simple or complex Roto parts e.g. water tanks auto dash- boards or rear mud-guards, highly ribbed large septic tanks, double walled parts etc.
Fixoplus is highly fuel/power efficient giving optimum time cycle using an Automatic system, designed to give accurate timing for heating and cooling. Fixoplus Rotomoulding Machine is modular and double indexing, where the machines can have a stationary oven with one or two arms or configured to move oven mono-axially and accept arms from one to as many as ten arms. This also gives the freedom from chronology of arms. The conventional multi arm machine normally is designed so that the arm one has to be followed by arm two and then by arm three and again arm one (on three arm machine). Fixoplus Rotomoulding Machine could be running in any random programmed order. There are many unique features in the machine for the benefit of the Roto molders.
A typical two arm, Fixoplus could produce 1 00 tanks in eight hours, using designs where the lids are molded along with the tanks. This could mean a production weight of 1.3 tons or 40,000 overheads, administration, labour, power, fuel, etc. is nearly the same as a smaller rock and roll machine or a lower technology machine, where the output may be one third. The machine is very economically
Fixopan understands the needs of its clients. The company tries its best to fulfill all the needs of a Rotomoulder under one roof. With the growing scope of the booming plastic rotomolding industry, Fixopan is successful in attaining the best of the quality levels and worldwide acceptance.
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