We provide vast and comprehensive service related to queries, calculation and filing of Service Tax in Kolkata. Ever since this tax was introduced in 1994, it has continued to get more complicated. Beginning with only three services under its purview, now numerous more services have been added. The tax rate has also fluctuated from 5% in 1994 to 12% in 2007, and finally back to 10% in 2009.
With our in depth knowledge regarding the subject, we provide accurate service to service businesses that come under the purview of Service Tax. Some of the services that can benefit from this are:
Telephone services
Stockbroking services
Advertising services
Insurance services
Various consultancy services
Travel and tour services
Internet services
Beauty parlors
Fashion designing services
Providing excellence based services for the past twelve years, we have made extremely reliable name for ourselves in this domain. We offer legal financial services, tax consultancy services & VAT accounting retainer-ship. Our services include coverage of Service Tax, Professional Tax, ESI Act, Provident Fund, Sales Tax and Income Tax.
More details:View company website