Make your refrigerators and air conditioners & chillers more efficient.Charge them with Floron, the world-class refrigerant gas from SRF Ltd. See their cooling efficiency increase. And your customer’s satisfaction goes up, sending your sales too spiraling sky wards. Floron is made by SRF in collaboration with Allied-Signal Inc. of USA, World leaders in the field. Allie is one of America's largest manufacturers of refrigerant gas, with supplies of to almost every leading brand of fridges and AC's there - General Electric, Westinghouse, Electrolux, Frigidaire and Whirlpool. The American Space Shuttle and the Cray supercomputer have also used the level of purity that a manufacturer like Allied and guarantee.
Allied has not only transferred its manufacturing technology but also its full experience in testing and quality control to SRF, to make sure that every cylinder of Floron is a good as the best in the world.
Supplier of copper tube such as industrial copper tubes, precision copper tubes, heat exchanger copper tubes, customized copper tubes and corrosion resistance copper tubes.
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