We can provide exact replica of your designed 3D models parts in special polymers by our service Rapid Prototyping.
Direct Methods:
SLA : This method provides protos with excellent finish & is suitable for parts having intricate details as well as those having excellent surface finish requirement . The Masters for vacuum casting process are made using this process. These protos are pricier than those made with SLS. Also are slightly brittle than SLS protos
SLS : This method provides protos with slightly coarse finish but with better strength than those done with SLA. Though the as obtained protos have coarse finish, they can be post processed with sanding/lacquering & finally spray painting to get desired colours & finish
Short Batch Production by Vacuum Casting : A master made by SLA is utilized to get a rubber mould by vacuum casting & the cast protos are obtained by using special PU based polymers
Infotrans Designs And Engineering, Mumbai is a rapidly expanding enterprise in the ever-growing arena of design related IT enabled services.
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