A transformer is a passive electrical device that transfers energy from one AC system to another. It is designed to change voltage from one level to another by means of magnetic induction. The power transformers are capable of accepting energy at one voltage and delivering it at another voltage. This allows electrical energy to be generated at relatively low voltages and transmitted at high voltages and low currents. This minimizes line losses and becomes fit for using at safe voltages. We manufacture power transformers up to 15 MVA capacity with maximum voltage level of 66 KV for the frequency level according to the standards.
Uses & Applications :
Oil and dry-type units
Aerospace application
In other utility applications
Commercial and industrial power distribution systems
We are an ISO 9001:2008 certified organization based at Coimbatore, India engaged in the manufacturing and servicing of voltage transformers, power and distribution transformers. Our range of products include voltage transformers of capacity upto 20 MVA, 66 KV voltage level, electroplating rectifier transformers and automatic voltage regulator.
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