We are one of the leading suppliers and exporters Polygala Senega roots of Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. We offer highly effective Polygala Senega is an herb with many medicinal and healing properties. Available in hygiene tamper proof packaging, the Polygala Senega offered by us has complete natural gas.
The part used for medicinal purposes are the roots and can be used to cure many medical issues and keeps our body healthier with it the many chemicals that give more healthy body and can make the body more active.
Chemical constituents :
The chemical that can be presented in this product are phenolic acids, triterpenoids saponins, Polygalitol, sterol and plant Emthyl calculate to make the product more quality of these chemicals that can be added at levels necessary to ensure that the product values of medicine in quality.
Used as an expectorant to treat :
This product which can be used for the treatment of whooping cough, chronic bronchitis and bronchial asthma. So to ensure that the product may be able to cure many diseases and also patients with respiratory problems can take this.
Medicinal qualities :
This product promotes the coughing up of phlegm from the chest.
This product stimulates the action on the bronchial mucous membranes.
This product is used for the patient who have eased wheeziness.
Medical Uses:
Senegal is used for treating snakebites. It is a common practice of chewing the root and mixing it with saliva to apply it in the region of snake bite after cutting the wound. This is a common first-aid measure.
Polygala Seneca is believed to calm mind and body and hence works well in treating restlessness, anxiety and insomnia related problems.
Senegal is also shown to have cathartic action. It effectively helps in purging out the evolved gases in stomach with ease.
Senegal may also help to treat skin infections like eczema, psoriasis and multiple sclerosis. It has also been used to treat auto-immune disease like rheumatoid arthritis and gout.
Saponins in Senegal have also shown to treat non-insulin dependent diabetes.
Health Benefits:
Expectorant/emetic effect - Seneca stimulant is used as an expectorant and chronic bronchitis. The saponin glycosides show irritating effects on the surface of the gastric mucosa and thus to improve the secretion of mucus in the bronchioles. It may also be administered via a suppository. It is prescribed with other expectorants Senegal because in high doses causes vomiting.
Seneca is a persistent stimulant found to be effective not only for respiratory tract, but also to other mucous membranes and uterus and traffic. It can be used for pneumonia infections and throat. Its effect of mucus secretion facilitates wheezing property and it also effectively treats pertussis.
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