Plate Bearing Test Apparatus Manufactured by us is in high on demand in the market. This is generally use for the bearing capacity of shallow foundations and for the design of flexible pavement. In the test procedure a steel plate is subjected to gradually increasing load and settlements of the plates recorded. Maximum bearing capacity is noted as that load at which the plate starts sinking rapidly.
The basic outfit consists of: 50 Tones Hydraulic jack with separate pumping unit fixed to it a 0-500 KN. x 0.5 KN. Pressure gauge and flexible metal pipe 5mtr.long - 1 No. Special ball and socket arrangement between the jack and the bearing plate - 1 No. Extension rod 12mm. dia x 25cm long for taking dial gauge readings - 16 Nos. Magnetic base with female thread on top for holding extension rod - 4 Nos. Top end plate, 50mm, dia with male thread for fitting onto the extension rods and positioning the dial gauge plunger - 4 Nos. Column 15cm dia x 25cm long with flanges complete with four bolts and nuts - 2 Nos. Column 15cm x 50cm long with flanges complete with four bolts and nuts - 1 Nos. Bridge support of welded steel angle construction, 5 mtr. span and stands approximately 30cm, high, fitted with two quick release clamps after positioning and holding the dial bracket - 2 Nos. Plate 60 cms x 60cms sq. x 25mm thick Plane M.S.Plate 45cms x 45cm.sq. x 25mm thick Plane M.S. Plate 30cms x 30cm.sq. x 25mm thick Dial Gauge 0.01mm x 25mm - 4 Nos.
Manufacturer and supplier of capping machines, laboratory capping machines, portable capping machines, capping compression cylinder machines, plane parallel faces capping machines and vertical capping machines.
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