Nitro Blooms are a combination based content of 20 % nitro benzene with active ingredients . It is stimulating flower reminder cum yield for many crops Our range of nitro benzene also allows plant growth in all weather conditions. It is non-toxic to enzymes and hormones used in the field .
Advantages of Nitro Blooms
It induces abundant flowering.
Increase the female flowers resulting in a higher yield .
Our Nitro Bloom wetting , Paste and spread quality.
Plants absorb nitrogen directly through the leaves .
Stimulates growth of flower parts and promoting early fruit set.
This contributes to the development of crops such as cotton crops , vegetables, rice , cereals, pulses, fruits and plantations. Our range of nitrobenzene also contributes to plant growth in all weather conditions. It is not toxic to enzymes and hormones used in the field.
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