Lumumbago Drops is useful in Backache, lumbago, acute and chronic myalgia, rheumatic diathesis, sprains, over straining, back pain of unknown cause, growing pains in muscles and bones, back pain and stiffness after long sitting and standing usually in house wife and service class female. Unable to stand without support, numbness in lower part of back, arthritis. Weight in pelvic pain radiating from thighs & legs and along the vertebral column up to the head and neck. Weakness of spine & vertebra after emission, pain due to change in temperature. Pain of various natures in the sacral region, mainly resulting from abdominal diseases. Pain worse by moving but may be acute when resting or at night.
New Life Laboratories is one of the acclaimed and respected names in the list of industries engaged in manufacturing Homeopathic Medicines. We offer a varied range of product that include includes Angio-N-Gold Drop - Heart Tonic, Nl Alfalfa Tonic, Hightall Pills.
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