Lab Version On-Line Gas Chromatograph
Micro controller based system with choice of operating controls.
Can be built using GC Dhruva or GC 2011 as main frame.
Can be configured for single stream or multi stream operation with Heart Cut, Column Switching, Back Flushing, Fore Flushing etc., operations, i.e. basically a multi dimensional analytical setup.
All the features of an advanced GC system for On-Line applications at a very affordable price.
Can be configured with TCD, FID , DID, PDHID ,ECD or multiple detectors in series or parallel.
Remote indication of results on Process indicators up to 900 meters away.
Choice of RS 232C/RS 485/Ethernet control.
Manufacturers of UHPGases | Certification for Gas Purity |
Air Gases, Doping Gases, Chemical Gases | Environmental applications |
Research applications | Industrial applications |
Coolant Gases for Nuclear Industry | Reaction studies |
Seller and supplier of analyzers, oxygen analyzers, chromatographic analyzers, elemental analyzers, on line dissolved gas analyzers, Portable Gas Analyzer, oxygen analyzers etc.
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