The framework works on ordinary compacted pneumatic stress of 5 bar, utilizing standard pneumatic controls, therefore totally taking out the utilization of costly water powered force pack and cohorted control supplies.
The framework comprises of a water powered chamber, an air to oil intensifier and an oil supply, all joined into a minimized necessary unit. The yield ram approaches the work piece at fast speed (which might be balanced) under low force (consequently low power) layered air. On touching the work piece (at any focus along the travel) the intensifier is immediately energized by method of a suitable directional control valve. This brings about a high force (henceforth high drive) stroke up to a greatest of 24 mm. The ram withdraws quickly at low force on culmination of the work cycle.
Characteristics :
Exceptionally low air utilization, bringing about vigor sparing of up to 80% over equal pneumatic barrels and 50 % over proportional water powered frameworks
The Speed of Operation is additionally much higher than a proportional standard pneumatic or pressure driven framework.
High stroke recurrence as a result of shorter oil way between the oil repository and the yield pressure driven chamber.
Quick pneumatically worked methodology stroke and return stroke. In the "N" Series the return power is bigger than the methodology constrain, bringing about the stacking of heavier devices for individual tonnages.
Supreme detachment of air and oil chambers. This has been realized by giving drain openings between the pneumatic and pressure driven seals. In the occasion of disappointment of pneumatic seals, the air getaways to climate through a drain opening and does not blend with the water driven oil. Assuming that the water driven seals come up short, oil escapes from its drain opening, demonstrating disintegration of the seal, which might be secured and supplanted well before aggregate breakdown happens.
Preferences :
Utilization Compressed air as the force source bringing about solid, cheap segments and channeling. Totally disposes of the utilization of unmanageable pressure driven parts and a huge oil tank to be loaded with an extensive amount of exorbitant water powered oil.
Quick reaction in light of the utilization of compacted air for fast approach and withdrawal.
Minimized and light weight. Might be mounted on a table top. Further there is a safeguarding in floor space possessed by a water driven power pack of a pressure driven framework.
Safeguards up to 50 % in vigor enter over completely pneumatic and water driven frameworks and 70 % in expense contrasted with pressure driven frameworks.
Requisitions :
Mercury ease " hydro-pneumatic presses are a perfect reinstatement for unmanageable water driven presses for changed provisions, for example arresting, Forming, Clamping, Bending, Straightening, Marking, Punching and so on. Low venture, Energy safeguarding, immaterial upkeep, quick movement and interminable control over drive and speed are the major focal points over proportionate water driven frameworks.
Specialized Specifications :
1t ,2 T , 4 T, 8 T, 15 T & 30 T
50, 75, 100 & 150 mm
Force stroke
6 mm, 12 mm & 24 mm at any focus along the travel.
2 Pillar, 4 Pillar & " C " Frame with & without guided moving platen.
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