There are three main properties of quality Fly Ash, which give the product its unique characteristics. Spherical Particle Shape: The spherical shape of Fly Ash particles improve workability when blended with cement particles, which are angular in shape. This in turn improves compaction and helps in achieving greater densities with ash concrete. Small Average Particle Size: The fine Fly Ash particles displace water between the cement particles and act as hydraulic sites for the cement. This not only stimulates the early strength development but also improves pore structure. This physical reaction is called the “Fine Filler Effect”. Pozzolanic Reaction: Fly Ash forms stable cementitious compounds in reaction with calcium hydroxide released during the hydration of cement. In the presence of water, this pozzolanic reaction can continue for a considerable amount of time and results in the high long term strength of Fly Ash concrete.
Supplier and manufacturer of cement like concrete cement, fly ash cement, construction cement, blended cement, compacting concrete, high volume fly ash concrete, roller compacted concrete and commercial cement.
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