The GPRS (General Packet Radio system) technology enables data to be transferred at much higher rates over cellular network, when compared with GSM. GPRS based multilingual display are based on the concept of wireless TCI/IP/HTTP technology, where the display & PC are in wireless network, the display is connected to the server through which the data to be displayed is sent. Data is transmitted to remotely installed display boards through control room PC on which Interface Software is installed. Data can be sent in any Indian regional language.
Memory – Unlimited Characters can be displayed
Updating of data is through Server Pc
Language Any Regional language.
LED Colour - Red, Green & Yellow. (LED 5mm Round / oval )
Standard Sizes: 6” X 36”, 6”X 48” , 8” X 72” , 18” X 144"
Other sizes can be customizing as per client requirement.
Display can be used for both Indoor / outdoor application
Dynamic Ad has been established in 1996. It is a fast growing company in the field of LED Display Boards, because of continued investment during the past 5 years, our capacity and product range has grown significantly.
More details:View company website
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