HBL’s Genon batteries are made with state of the art “Pure Lead Thin Plate” technology to deliver high cranking currents. This ensures a reliable start of the diesel gensets in any environmental condition. Genon is a “Sealed Maintenance Free” battery, delivered in factory charged and ready to use condition.
Superior Features:
High Cranking Current : Smaller battery for the same job.
Low Self Discharge : Assured start even after idle condition for long duration.
Maintenance Free : No water top-up and specific gravity checks.
Terminals with copper alloy : High electrical conductivity No corrosion, wear and tear.
Product Range :
Batteries for 7.5KVA to 1500KVA Diesel gensets.
Applications :
Genset Starting.
HBL Power Systems Ltd is a listed Indian company, in business since 1977, with a focus on engineered products and services.Our initial business strategy was to identify technology gaps in India that the company could fill by 'indigenous efforts'.
More details:View company website
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