Additional Details
Full Automatic computer CPR manikin (big screen colorized LCD - IC card manage software) BEP/CPR-511 BEP/CPR-511 Full Automatic computer CPR manikin (big screen colorized LCD / IC card manage software) Features: 1. With all functions of BEP/ CPR511, as following: 1). The screen LCD display artificial respiration, external breast compression and pulse reaction 2). Simulate standard open airway and sound prompting 3). External breast compression: indicator light display, LCD counter display and sound prompting a. Indicator light display of correct and wrong compression position; LCD counter display, sound prompting of wrong compression.b. Display of correct(4-5cm) and wrong(<4-5cm<) compression intensity, digital strip indicator light (yellow, green, red) shows compression depth, counter display, sound prompting of wrong operation. 4). Artificial respiration(Inhalation) indicator light display, LCD counter display and sound prompting: a. Inhalation is ≤500ml/600ml-1000ml≤, strip indicator light shows inhalation volume, counter display of correct and wrong operations, and sound prompting of wrong operation.b. Inhalation too quickly or too much result in air entering into stomach, indicator light display, digital counter display, sound prompting. 5). Ratio of compression and artificial respiration: 30: 2 (one or two person) 6). Operating cycle: one cycle includes five times of 30: 2 ratio of compression and artificial respiration. 7). Operation frequency: 100 times per minute (the latest international standard) 8). Operation methods: exercise operation, examine operation 9). Operation time: counting down device 10). Sound prompting device: volume control, turning on or turning off sound prompting device 11). Print: print operation result 12). Examination of pupil response: mydriasis and myosis 13). Examination of carotid response: simulate spontaneous carotid pulse in compression process 14). Working conditions: output power is 24V transformed from 220V external power through manostat.