YPIL is one of the major manufacturer & pioneer in the concept of protrusion in India. Machine made - PROTRUDED-Fiberglass composites and the applications are mind-boggling. Our innovative & expanding range of standard products are with specially designed package. The various profiles manufactured by YPIL using protrusion process, provide consistent characteristics associated with high mechanical strengths. Corrosion resistance, mechanical strength on strength to weight ratio basis are higher than steel, electrically insulating providing dielectric strength of 5-10 kV/mm, light in weight ( l / 4 t h the weight of steel), high impact strength resisting any dent of permanent bending. YPIL leads the way - From 11/33 kV insulated Cross Arms, for section & intermediate erection, Perforated Cable Trays & Ladder type Cable Trays, High & Low Voltage BUS DUCTS, Insulated Ladders, Insulated Third Rail covers for rapid transport systems, tailor made profiles for various installation uses & insulating support for switchgear.
Supplier of electronic components, polymer insulators, electrical insulators, cable trays, electrical cable trays, cold applied boots, cross arms, electrical circuit breakers, circuit breakers, grating and cable jointing systems.
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