Appearance of dampness problems on walls that are directly exposed to rain. These problems appear on both interior and exterior walls.
Growth of algae and weed on the building surfaces.
Joint and surface cracks that develop as the building ages or due to exposure to elements or due to poor quality masonry.
These are prime breeding grounds for algae and weed.
Water enters the substrate through these cracks.
Incessant rainfall that results in the wear and tear of exterior paint film.
Treat all the plaster cracks of up to 3mm width with SmartCare Crack Seal. For structural cracks, employ the services of a competent civil contractor.
Waterproof the exterior walls with SmartCare Damp Proof. Follow this up with two coats of a Ultima of desired shade.
Appearance of ugly damp patches on terraces.
Since its inception in 1991, New VVBJP has always required an overwhelming response from valuable customers for our nontoxic, eco-friendly, industry boiler paints at substantial prices.
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