Our Product range:- SN Product Code Freshner Rate/LTR D-Oil Rate/LTR Freshner Rate/5LTR D-Oil Rate/5LTR 1 English Rose M-1 300 1000 300 1000 2 Kacha Mogra M-2 300 1300 1000 4500 3 Jasmine M-3 300 1300 1000 4500 4 Royal Buket M-4 300 1300 1000 4500 5 Mogra M-5 300 1300 1000 4500 6 Sandal M-6 400 1700 1500 8000 7 Platinum M-7 400 1700 1500 8000 8 Bluemoon M-8 400 1700 1500 8000 9 Charli M-9 400 1700 1500 8000 10 Brute M-10 400 1700 1500 8000 11 One Men show M-11 400 1700 1500 8000 12 Lomani M-13 400 1700 1500 8000 13 C.K.One M-14 400 1700 1500 8000 14 Drax M-16 400 1700 1500 8000
Supplier and manufacturer of fragrances which includes cosmetics fragrance, air freshener fragrance, room freshener fragrance, perfume fragrance commercial air fragrance and sandal room fragrance.
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