DNS ERP Software provides end-to-end business management software named "DNS ERP" encompassing various business processes and across multi locations. We have as many as 31 modules in the ERP. For detailed list of modules along with its features please download the pdf file given below. One could take as many modules and as per need. In order to get a complete picture of "inventory", one would need Purchase, Sales, Production, BOM, MRP modules. One could also add Costing module so that quotations are generated online and in a more scientific manner. Accounts are integrated from day one so also VAT, CST and Excise. In other words, you take only the modules that are required.
We have implemented across various cities and states apart from units in and around Pune via in Thane, Navi Mumbai, Nagpur and other cities of Maharashtra, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh, Noida etc developed in ASP. Our USP is extensive training, handholding and customization. We will be doing a thorough BPR exercise upfront and do a gap analysis. Our clients have been using the software for more than 4years and are all into AMC with us.
Last but not the least DNS has been chosen as Software Partner by Intel Corporation.
Offering computer solution application software packages, computer application software packages, business management software, ERP software packages, ERP software for institutes, ERP software for clinics and ERP for trading.
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