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DuPontsup™/sup Montelsup®/supSod Surfaces is a decorative material used in a variety of interior appcations in the residential and commercial segments. It is produced by a continuous casting process with strict quailty control. It is supped in sheets and can be used as, kitchen counter tops, bathroom vanities, shower surrounds, wall panels. coffee s, reception desks and in many other appcations. Because the material is sod and uniform right through, the surface is durable, non-porous, hygienic & repairable. The sheets can be cut, routed, seamed inconspicuously, sanded & engraved to create unmited designs & colour effects. Composition & Materials: The DuPontsup™ /supMontelsup®/sup Montel Basic formulation contains a blend of resin and aluminium mineral filler.