</TR<DIV CLASS="c14 lh txj p30 bt"The Ducting Systems provided by us are lightweight, easy-to-use and available in variety of diameters. We offer customized ducting systems to ensure long lasting service. Our ducting system proffers exceptional chemical resistance to broad spectrum of corrosive fumes, gases and fluids. The ducting systems manufactured and supplied by us are easy to handle and install. The ducting systems fabricated by us are available in various diameters for corrosive fume exhaust and drain applications. These are made of high quality material and supplied by us within given time. We have developed various superb quality chemical ducting system using FRP, PVDF, PP, PE-HD, and PVC to meet all kinds of industry needs. The chemical ducting supplied by us are abrasion resistant, chemical and corrosion resistant. The main feature of our chemical ducting is that these are easy to install, made according to the customer's requirement and available at cost effective price. Benefit Of Ducting Systems The ducting system made and supplied by us contains following benefits: Seamless, large-diameter with consistent surface smoothness, uniformity and dimensional stability; Long system service life; Exceptional chemical resistance to a broad spectrum of corrosive fumes, gases and fluids; Low overall installed cost; Lightweight - eases fabrication, handling, and installation – reducing installation costs
Manufacturer and supplier of industrial process equipment , mixing agitators, industrial mixing agitators, chemical mixing agitators, precision engineered mixing agitators and motorized mixing agitators.
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