We are also engaged in offering professional Domain Name Registration Services to our clients. Our clients can avail from us these services for different types of domain names that one can have.
The following are some of list of domain name services that we offer to our clients :
.com – It is the most common extension for domain names and often represents companies or non-profit organizations or individuals.
.net – It generally represents the Internet Service providers (ISPs).
.org – It represents non-profit organizations or groups.
.biz – It is reserved for use by businesses.
.info – It is used by both individuals and businesses. Although the usage is restricted a .TLD indicates that the web site is primarily informative.
.in – It can be used by any company or individual.
.co.in – It is normally used by companies.
.net.in – It is generally used by Internet Service Providers (ISP's).
Offering erp software packages which includes flow management erp software packages, business erp software packages, management erp software packages and work flow management erp software packages.
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