Two Bed Deminerlization
Two Bed DM Plant comprise of two mild steel rubber-lined / FRP pressure vessels filled with strong acidic cation exchange resin and strongly basic anion exchange resin. They are available in a range of diameters. The modular construction permits flexibility in the selection of cation and anion units to cater to different types of raw water. Degasser modules for the range Of CA units are also available. These are useful for raw waters containing a significant amount of alkalinity. Treated water of conductivity less than 10 microsiemence/cm with ph of 7.5 to 8.5 is achieved at Two Bed DM Plant outlet.
Three Bed Demineralization
This model is having Activated carbon column prior to the Two Bed Demineralisation as filtration for remoal of suspended impurities, colour from the feed water; there by the life of the ion – exchanger is enchanced. This is used where is having less turbility.
Four Bed Deminerlization
Activated carbon, Cation, Anion & Mixed Bed resin columns. Analog / Digital conductivity meter to monitor the treated wter quality. A set of PP diaphragm valves are provided for easy operation and regeneration. All the columns are housed in an attractive corrosion proof mild steel stand with two castors for easy mobility. One ADS (Air Displacement System) drum for resin mixing. All the columns are housed in an attractive corrosion proof mild steel stand with two castors for easy mobility. One PVC / FRP regeneration tank for regeneration. The Plant is employed where the treated water quality of high purity is desired.
Mixed Bed Deminerlization
Mix Bed DM Plant comprise of one Mild steel rubber-lined/FRP pressure vessels filled with strong acidic captions exchange resin and strongly basic anion exchange resin in mixed form. They are available in a range of diameters. Mix Bed DM Plant is usually used as polishing unit at outlet of Two Bed DM Plant/RO Plant. The modular construction permits flexibility in the selection of cation and anion units to cater to different types of raw water. Treated water of conductivity less than 1 microsiemence/cm with ph of 6.5 to 7.5 is achieved at Mix Bed DM Plant outlet.
Supplying and manufacturing cleaning chemicals such as water chemical treatments, RO and boiler feed water chemical treatment, reverse osmosis chemicals, boiler feed water chemicals, cooling tower chemicals and evaporator cleaning chemicals.
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