The C2 Crane Load Controller is a rugged instrument designed specifically for operating in the dusty, humid and vibration prone conditions of cranes. It is very simple to use, and is very user friendly. It can accept mV or mA input from a variety of sensors such as load cells, torque cells, pressure sensors, temperature sensors, etc. It can also accept a pulse input and display linear position, or angular position, or rpm, etc.
It can be used for standard weighing applications such as weigh platforms, conversion kits, weigh bridges, milk weigh bowls, etc. In addition, it is specially engineered for industrial applications such as tank weighing systems, check weighers, packaging /bagging /filling machines, crane weighing systems, etc.
Apart from weighing related applications, it can also be used for various measurement applications such as in load testing machines, dynamo meters, level control, torque/pressure/temperature measurement, etc.
Salient Features:
Full Software Calibration
Available in various housings
Various input options such as mV, mA, DC Voltage, ohms, etc.
Various output options such as RS232, RS485 (MODbus), 4-20 mA, 0-5/10
VDC, Set Points with relay contacts, Parallel Printer, etc.
Built-in facility of Audio-Visual Alarm with Acknowledge switch and Overload Trip relay contacts.
Manufacturer and exporter of weighing system, load cell, torque cell, crane weighing system, weigh bridge platform, digital controller.
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