Clean room is an enclosed clean work space employing control over the particulate matter in the air with temperature, humidity and pressure control. All clean rooms must not exceed a particulate count as specified in the air. General Requirements: Clean rooms to be built and operate in an area where particle generation levels are minimum. Environmental control Clean room air pressure Air changes rate of air flow Temperature range Humidity range Noise level Vibration levels Microbial Contamination Other factors like lighting, internal equipment load, occupancy, electromagnetic radiation, radioactive particles, gases, vapors. Clean Room Design Requirements: Area to be defined to built clean room space. Entry ways Ante rooms, change rooms Air handling system with filtration Air-conditioning equipment Clean room furniture’s, equipments Clean room lighting and fire protection Desired level of cleanliness.
BATS is one of the efficient engineering, manufacturing and contracting company in the field of Industrial air handling and Air pollution control systems in south India.
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