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Ce marking product certification in india-ce marking consultant agency india gujarat-ce providers.Following is list of some products groups which can be ce marked. a) Active implantable medical devicesb) Appliances burning gaseous fuelsc) Cable way installations designed to carry personsd) Eco-design of energy related productse) Electromagnetic compatibilityf) Equipment and protective systems intended for use potentially explosive atmospheresg) Explosives for civil usesh) Hot-water boilersi) In vitro diagnostic medical devicesj) Liftsk) Low voltagel) Machinerym) Measuring instrumentsn) Medical deviceso) Noise emission in the environmentp) Non-automatic weighing instrumentsq) Personal protective equipmentr) Pressure equipments) Pyrotechnicst) Radio and telecommunications terminal equipmentu) Recreational craftv) Safety of toysw) Simple pressure vessel Organizations looking to ce mark their product can contact us. We are ce marking certification consultants in india, ce marking certification consulting agency in india, ce marking certification service providers in india, ce marking consultants in india. As per product to be ce marked, we can help organizations in ce marking of their product through self certification or certification through involvement of notified body or notified agency.