Multi Station Bolt Former Machines We are engaged in offering high quality Multi Station Bolt Former Machines to our customers. The air clutch brake system has especially been designed in order to enable the motor to start from the no load condition and is also able to actuate as the Inching, Single Stroke and the Continuous Running. The main side would always stop at the rear position while operating either the single stroke or the continuous running cycle. This machine is also equipped with an automatic checking device, known as auto-checker that would sensitively stop this machine and also indicate to the operator in case of the following: Mal-function of front punch knock out; Mal-function of rear ejection; Overload; Materials short feed; Production reach to counter pre set figure Highlights of Our Multi Station Bolt Former Machines: The solid cut off die as well as the knife ascertain a square cut along with the clean edges; The cut off cam follower is especially designed at the center of a cut-off carrier rod in order to avoid an eccentric force that is occurred on the cam follower pin as well as to maintain the rigidity along with longevity of the machine; The positive knock-out cam placed in the punch side was also designed by computer for achieving the simplicity with the precision. A Punch side knock out timing further coincides with the prime slide movement in order to prevent the spill out of the materials from the forming die before the knock out.; The last station rear knock out the mechanism can do the normal slow motion knock out by just changing the knock out cam that is especially designed for easy replacement; The main machine parts as the frame or the main slide has also been generalized in order to release the internal stress after the casting. It also means to prevent the deformation in the future as well as to keep precision forever; All cam diagram in this highly efficient machine is designed by the computer program as well as machined through the machining center (MC) in order to gain smooth surface as well as accuracy.; The stability as well as the precision of these main slides are secured by the overran, which is designed along with the application of the harden alloy steel plates that are fixed to it would also help to maintain its precision for a longer period of operation
Exporting and supplying tapping machine, industrial tapping machine, nut tapping machines, electrical tapping machines, multi station bolt former machines and multi station nut former machines.
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