The Product Certification Scheme of BIS aims at providing Third Party Guarantee of quality, safety and reliability of products to the ultimate customer. Presence of ISI certification mark known as Standard Mark on a product is an assurance of conformity to the specifications. The conformity is ensured by regular surveillance of the licensee's performance by surprise inspections and testing of samples, drawn both from the market and factory.
Although, the scheme itself is voluntary in nature, the Government of India, on considerations of public health and safety, security, infrastructure requirements and mass consumption has enforced mandatory certification on various products through Orders issued from time to time under various Acts. While BIS continues to grant licences on application, the enforcement of compulsory certification is done by the notified authorities. For the list of items brought under mandatory certification, together with the corresponding Indian Standard Number, and the authorities responsible for enforcing the orders.
We, at YEA Group are committed to serve our customers with integrity, through innovation, value for money solutions and excellence in Quality. We will serve society by paying utmost respect to human values and being ethically conscious.
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