This is also a product manufactured by one of the self help groups located in Kerela in Thrikkaipetta village. This group also helps rural people to earn their livelihood. The maximum employees working in this group are females and members of indigenous people. These trays are produced using a different species of bamboo. These bamboos are procured from the farms located in village district. Borax and boric acid treated chemical is used on the bamboo to prevent it from fungus and are coated with polish to give it a fine look. We offer these trays in various shapes and sizes and can be comfortably used as coffee trays, office file trays etc.
Hastakala Creation patronizes Indian art and creativity by manufacturing mural wall paintings, bed lamps and exporting it to every part of world. Developed with superior quality raw materials, our artwork is sure to create a magic in any setting.
More details:View company website