Baby Tricycles offered by us has features of adjustable seats to suit the comfort of your child. Our Baby Tricycles come with a detachable parental handle to maintain a hold on the tricycle during the ride. We are an eminent Baby Tricycles Manufacturer and Supplier in India. The Baby Tricycles has a rear basket for storage and enough leg space which allow the child to ride comfortably. This tricycle is manufactured using premium quality raw materials by our professionals in order to meet the international standards. These tricycles are for the most part esteemed by our clients for light weight, extreme improvement, quality, and security. We make these unrivaled qualities rough materials, which are secured structure our strong dealers, most ideal situation cost. Tricycle is open in 4color which is of Red, Blue, Green, Pink. Albela rough has 9 " expensive wheels, a three light musical horn with English rhymes, multi-shading seat, solid and completely strong iron steel outline.
Tricycle has a front basket which we offer to carry the things needed for kids. The wheel presented in the tricycle are of heavy duty wheels with low floor level so the pedaling is very easy pedaling for the child. Tricycle has the seat which has Doubled-layer seat make a child more comfortable to sit while riding.
Engaged in supplying and manufacturing of swing set, baby swing set, eco friendly swing set, plastic swing set, metal swing set, colored swing set, comfortable swing set and portable swing set.
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