For an air supply you can count on
Remaining oil content up to 0.003 mg/m³*. Considerably less than the limit for Class 1 in accordance with DIN ISO 8573-1.
Long-lasting activated carbon – typically up to 12 000 operating hours through generous volume and optimised flow.
Large inlets/outlets ensure low differential pressure for highly efficient operation.
Function monitoring with oil vapour indicator fitted as standard.
Robust, protective stand.
Approved in accordance with AD2000 pressure appliance guidelines.
KAESER – For all of your compressed air needs.
We recommend that a KAESER FD-filter is used downstream of the ACT activated carbon adsorber.
ACT series
Airflows: 1.17 to 154.53 m³/min
Max. working pressure: 16 bar
For low maintenance high air quality, fit an ACT activated carbon adsorber to remove any remaining oil vapour after the applicable air treatment and pre-filtration processes.
Deals in supplying of pneumatic wrenches, pneumatic tools, air impact wrench, motorized air impact wrench, pneumatic electrical tools, pneumatic power tools, precision engineered tools and commercial pneumatic wrenches.
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