“With the rise of India and China to potential great power status, there is now talk of the United States, India and China being the three poles in the international system of 2050, though some scholar treat China more as a threat. This article argues that the three countries are on different power trajectories and that two of these trajectories”those of the United States and China”will lead to a strategic rivalry. On the other hand, India's power trajectory, while faced with conflict at the South Asian level of analysis, may well allow it to play the role of a ˜swing state. As a swing state, India could work as a facilitator to get China to work in a cooperative security arrangement to secure energy supplies, maintain freedom of navigation on the high seas, and play according to the rules that make it a status quo power in the international system. In return, India would expect China to settle the border dispute to India's advantage and not to get involved in said String of Pearls Strategy against India, delink from Pakistan, and be more considerate of India's own quest for securing energy resources.The fact is that India had ignored its natural allies in Africa and Asia for a long time and in fact, many in this country had a rather patronizing attitude towards those third world countries that was seen as a backward continent. Thankfully, that attitude is changing somewhat and the Indian government is re-focusing on Africa and Asia. Nevertheless, she said relations between India and other third world countries are "still nowhere what they should be".
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