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9 MukhiNine mukhi Rudraksha is blessed by Durga, the Goddess shakti, who took birth on Earth nine times in different forms to protect her followers.It also makes a person fearless and stress-free. Wearing it is like getting one's conscience purified through fire. It also makes the wearer powerful and self-confident. As per Rudrakshajabalopanisad, there are nine types of power in this Rudraksha. It protects the wearer from untimely death, as it is blessed by Bhairav. It is ruled by planet Ketu and nullifies all the negative effects of this planet. Mantras to be recited for nine mukhi Rudraksha Om Hreem Namah (Shiva Puran), Om Hum Namah (Mantra Maharnava), Om sum (Padma Puran), Om Hreem Veing Yun, Raim Laim, , Mahamritynjaya Mantra, Om Namah Shivaya.