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Neem Products
Indian Herbs
Fresh Vegetables
Indian Rice
Fresh Coconut
Over 75% of Ayurvedic remedies contain neem, usually in form of leaf. Neem leaves are considered safe to take internally on regular or daily doses.
Over 75% of Ayurvedic remedies contain neem, usually in form of leaf. Neem leaves are considered safe to take internally on regular or daily doses. In the thousands of years that people across India have been taking neem there have never been any reports of negative side effects from leaves. However pregnant women should not take neem leaves as neem contraceptive properties. "Neem leaf and its constituents have been demonstrated to exhibit immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, antihyperglycaemic, antiulcer, antimalarial, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral, antioxidant, antimutagenic and ant carcinogenic properties." We offer very high quality of neem leaves to clients as a secondary product.
In the many years that individuals crosswise over India have been taking neem there have never been any reports of negative symptoms from takes off.