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Electronic Instrumentation System
Testing Equipment
Micron make Bump Testing Machine is a versatile test equipment to carry out Shock/Bump tests in accordance with section of JS55555 anad other relevant Defence standards.
Micron make Bump Testing Machine is a versatile test equipment to carry out Shock/Bump tests in accordance with section of JS55555 anad other relevant Defence standards. The machine is used for production qualification testing, transient analaysis of structures or models and fatigue tests on sub-systems and parts with an object to determine their suitability under repetitive Shock/Bump environment (during transportation or in-service etc.) and to assess their structural integrity.The machine is fabricated with welded steel of sufficient rigidity to provide necessary mechanical strength. The table (platform) is lightweight, made of special alloy and having threaded holes at regular pitch to mount test objects. A provision is made to adjust the drop height by special electro-mechanical/pneumatic arrangement between table and elastomeric pad. In order to achieve desired pulse duration, elastomeric pads of suitable Bump rate.