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Firebrick Clay
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Firebrick Clay is a specific kind of clay that is chemically composed of a high percentage of silicon and aluminum oxides, and a low percentage of the oxides of sodium, potassium, and calcium. Unlike the conventional brick-making clay.
Firebrick Clay is a specific kind of clay that is chemically composed of a high percentage of silicon and aluminum oxides, and a low percentage of the oxides of sodium, potassium, and calcium. Unlike the conventional brick-making clay, it is mined at depth, usually found as a seat-earth associated with coal measures. Refractory and plasticity are the two main properties needed in fire clay that makes them suitable for application in various areas like ceramics, especially Firebrick Clay and refractory bricks. The fire attribution is given for its refractory characteristics. There are two types of fire clay: flint clay and plastic fire clay.