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Smart Cards
Plastic Cards Or PVC Cards
Corporate ID Badging Solutions
SCOSTA Smart Card
Loyalty Cards India
RSBY Cards India
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We are manufacturers of smart cards India and we service all kinds of customers. We have a large portfolio of smart cards for applications in Loyalty Cards India, health, government, driving license, RSBY Cards India etc.
We are manufacturers of smart cards India and we service all kinds of customers. We have a large portfolio of smart cards for applications in Loyalty Cards India, health, government, driving license, RSBY Cards India etc. We are a SCOSTA certified modules and our product portfolio ranges from a 1KB memory card to 64KB SCOSTA cards.
•SCOSTA Smart Cards 4Kb onwards .
•SCSOTA Smart Cards for Driving License and RC Books .
•SCOSTA Smart Cards for RSBY Projects India.
•SCOSTA Smart Card for PDS .
•NREGS Smart Cards .
•Java Smart Cards .
•UID Smart Cards .